We offer three main services to our clients, Support & Maintenance, Security and Technology Enhancement.
Our clients rely on us to keep their systems running efficiently and securely and for a quick response when support is required. Because our engineers are highly experienced, well trained and qualified to Microsoft industry standard, we don't just fix problems, we take steps to make sure that they do not recur.
Network security is of course vital for businesses and their clients, we constantly monitor and review our client’s security based on the very latest industry standards and this, along with data security and business continuity is the core of our focus for the protection of our clients. Robust backups, virtualisation and tried and tested disaster recovery processes are key to our commitment to safeguarding our clients in a fully connected and potentially hazardous technological world.
We are constantly looking at new technology to see how it can benefit our clients and make running their businesses easier and safer. Unified messaging, VOIP telecoms, hosted cloud solutions and virtualisation are a few of the relatively recent innovations that have revolutionised the benefits of technology. Harnessing these incredible opportunities in the business world is not so clear-cut and the options available are many and varied. We have helped migrate many companies into the cloud for their communications and data storage. Our goal is to make our clients an 'always on, available from anywhere' company.